
Available in bb-core since version 1.6.0. Mechanism from previous versions: link


One of the fundamental problems when automating GUI is handling dynamic elements on a website: pop-ups, carousels, menus, lazy-loaded data in various places, etc.

Bobcat utilizes Selenium’s out-of-the-box mechanisms: implicit and explicit waiting. More information about them can be found in official docs.

Implicit waiting

Implicit waiting happens before any lookup of a WebElement is being executed during your tests. When searching for an element it waits for a specific period of time to actually report the issue in case of the element not being present on the page. This implicit timeout can be set manually using: webDriver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(<TIMEOUT>, <TIME UNIT>).

Bobcat has an in-built modifier that sets that timeout for you, just after the WebDriver instance is created: ImplicitTimeoutModifier.

The modifier is enabled by default. It is set to 1 second.

To disable it, put the following property in your config file:

modifier.implicitTimeout: false

To change the value of the timeout to e.g. 5 seconds, put the following property in your config:

timings.implicitTimeout: 5

Explicit waiting

Depending on implicit timeout will solve only a tiny fraction of your problems. That is why, the most recommended approach is to use explicit waiting.

Selenium provides the FluentWait and its extension, WebDriverWait. Bobcat wraps the latter with bunch of useful methods in the form of BobcatWait.


Explicit waiting relies on evaluating ‘expected conditions’. They are the implementation of ExpectedCondition interface.

Selenium provides a hefty list of predefined conditions out-of-the-box in the ExpectedConditions class. This will be your bread-and-butter when working with dynamic elements.

How to wait?

To wait for a specific condition you can use two methods from BobcatWait:

private BobcatWait bobcatWait;

private WebElement testedElement;

WebElement element = bobcatWait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(testedElement));

boolean result = bobcatWait.isConditionMet(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(testedElement));


  • if the condition is met, the method will return an object of a type declared in the condition itself.
  • if the condition has not been met, TimeoutException will be thrown
  • this behaviour is exactly the same as in Selenium’s WevDriverWait#until


  • if the condition is met, the method will return true
  • if the condition has not been met, the method will return false

Writing your own conditions

When ExpectedConditions does not provide you a condition suiting your needs, you can always write your own. You can either implement it in a similar way to Selenium, i.e. create a dedicated class where you will keep your conditions, or you can also provide one inline with lamda: BobcatWait.until(webDriver -> heightOfElement == expectedValue);.

Fine-tuning your waits

Bobcat takes the following values as defaults:

timings.explicitTimeout: 10 # in seconds
timings.implicitTimeout: 1 # in seconds
timings.pollingInterval: 500 # in milliseconds

You can tweak these in various ways:

  • globally, by providing the above properties in your config or via command line
  • locally, by using the BobcatWait.tweak(Timings) method before the until call
    • it takes an instance of Timings as an argument; use the TimingsBuilder to create one, e.g.: new TimingsBuilder().explicitTimeout(5).pollingInterval(200).build()

Explicit vs implicit waiting

It is discouraged (also by Selenium maintainers) to use implicit and explicit waiting together, as it may yield unexpected results. That is why Bobcat has an in-built protection against such situations.

After calling BobcatWait#until(condition) Bobcat will:

  1. reduce the implicit timing before evaluating the condition,
  2. evaluate the condition,
  3. restore the implicit timeout to the default one, or the customized value from config or a Timings instance passed to BobcatWait via tweak(Timings) method.